To overcome the challenge, GSPANN focused on independent deployment of services and components without impacting the existing business logic. The cloud-based microservices architecture provided a more decentralized approach in the application development and deployment.
GSPANN migrated the legacy marketing applications to an OpenStack and hosted them on GCP to reduce the maintenance cost. We leveraged our programming skills and experience in GCP/Java/Spring Boot/UI development to re-engineer the existing applications within the pre-defined service level agreement (SLA). Moreover, we developed a tool to monitor and collect metrics for all the applications deployed in the Red Hat OpenShift environment.
GSPANN deployed all legacy marketing applications on a cloud platform. The event-driven approach (based on the Apache Kafka messaging system) helped in reducing the application’s execution time by distributing one event across multiple application nodes and processing them while avoiding any tight-coupling among other marketing applications. The microservices-based technology stack helped the client to easily maintain and promptly deploy the marketing applications.