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We are excited to announce that GSPANN will be participating in the EuroSTAR Conference, a premier event for software testing professionals, taking place from June 11-14 in Stockholmsmässan, Sweden.

Our in-house testing expert, Ajay Balamurugadas, Senior Director - QE at GSPANN, will be conducting a talk titled "What Are We Doing Here? Reviving Testers Amid AI Challenges" during the conference. He will address the evolving role of testers in the age of AI and offer valuable insights into overcoming related challenges.

What you will learn from the talk:

  1. Testing Foundations: The foundational testing skills are here to stay, and is needed much more now
  2. Expansive role of testers: The future of testing is bright for skilled testers, and we need to work on our skills
  3. Adapting to AI Challenges: We need to embrace automation, tools & AI to assist testing activities

You may learn more about the talk here: https://conference.eurostarsoftwaretesting.com/event/2024/what-are-we-doing-here-reviving-testers-amid-ai-challenges/

This is a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our expertise, learn from industry leaders, and network with peers. We encourage everyone to engage and follow the conference updates.

Check out this space for more details: The EuroSTAR Conference 2024.

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